Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera

The DELE Diplomas are internationally recognized, and enjoy great prestige not only among public and private educational institutions and authorities, but also in the business world and chambers of commerce.

In many countries, the DELE have been adopted by departments of education and official institutions of learning as a complement to their own assessment programs. They are ideal for furthering your career and access to education, both in Spain and in other countries where the examinations are given.

Since 2012, the CECM was integrated at DELE’s examination centers. Our school has a staff of certified teachers as Cervantes’ examiners; the same recognition also supports the preparation of candidates to obtain the diploma.

DELE diplomas

Here you can find a table that includes all the DELE diplomas in Spanish of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

Framework of Reference Level
DELE Nivel A1 A1 Breakthrough
DELE Nivel A1 para escolares* A1 Breakthrough
DELE Nivel A2 A2 Waystage
DELE Nivel A2/B1 para escolares* A2 or B1 Waystage or Threshold
DELE Nivel B1 B1 Threshold
DELE Nivel B2 B2 Vantage
DELE Nivel C1 C1 Effective Operational Proficiency
DELE Nivel C2 C2 Mastery
*DELE examinations for school (aimed at students aged 11 to 17)


Note: The day of the oral exam may be different from the written exam.
Between one and three days before.

Are you planning on taking the DELE exam ?

Our 2022 prices are...

To schedule the application of a DELE examination please ask our staff.

Contact to:

Leonardo Arellano
Responsible of the Spanish Program
Tel. 01 +(52) 33 3616 6881 ext. 21